Join the Elks!
Am I Eligible?
The Order is a non-political, non-sectarian and strictly American fraternity. To be eligible for membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks, you must be a citizen of the United States over the age of 21 who believes in God.
You must be sponsored by a member of the Elks Lodge and reside in the jurisdiction of the Lodge you wish to join. Please contact the Flemington Elks lodge for an application and a sponsor.
Feel free to stop in the lodge anytime when we are open and ask for an application or complete the on-line application and a member will contact you.
Join the Community
After initiation you will be on your way to making life long friends. You will be able to attend meetings, social functions, and volunteer in community service projects that you are passionate about. If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our officers.
Once you are a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (B.P.O.E.) you can visit any other Elks Lodge in the United States, Puerto Rico and Guam. You will be welcomed at each lodge and can participate in their activities as well. The world of Elkdom is vast and you will be proud to call yourself one of the 'Best People On Earth'.